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Home > english-chinese > "when aloneness spread wings to flight" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "when aloneness spread wings to flight"


Related Translations:
aloneness:  孤独感
when:  adv.1.〔疑问〕什么时候,几时。 W- did you see him (这以前)你几时见他的?2.〔关系,引导定语从句〕当…的时候。 He came at a time when I least expected him. 他在我最想不到的时候来了。3.从前境况差时。brag of having known sb. when 夸耀自己是某人过去的患难之交[布衣之交]。
backarc spreading:  弧后扩张
direct spreading:  直接蔓延
beam spreading:  束散
spread shore:  横止滑木(下水台)滑道间横撑柱
spread blade:  双面刀渐缩
tumor spread:  肿瘤传播
voltage spread:  电压变化范围最高和最低电压差
spread geometry:  排列形状
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